How long have you been surfing?
I have been surfing for 22 years
What is your GO TO Board?
My go to board is a 5'10 18.5 2.15 squash Dan Taylor Hammer Model. Love those things... everyone should own one.
What is your GO TO surf spot?
I grew up surfing Casino Pier, so that is my local spot where I surf everyday. But there are a lot better spots around here they just dont break everyday.
What is your favorite maneuver?
Getting barreled or frontside carves are what I like to do the most. I was a huge taylor knox fan growing up and I studied the way he surfed like it was a religion. He has the best bottom turn ever!
What is your favorite place to surf?
Soup bowls barbados is my favorite spot to surf and go to. It's a laid back little town with a wave that will knock you on your ass.
When not surfing, what do you do?
I love to play golf. If I could I would play golf everyday.
Favorite spot to eat?
Crabs Claw Inn of course!
Blonde or Brunette?
Blondes or brunettes I'm not really picky when it comes to hair color, it's more about personality and what kind of person they are.
What celebrity would you date?
I would date Kate Beckinsdale! She's beautiful and she seems like a down to earth person.
Have you encounter plastic trash and litter on the beaches that you surf?
When I was in Senegal the beaches were lined with plastic everything but mainly bottles. It was bad and gross. Whenever you go out of the country to third world places you are going to see stuff that creeps you out.
Why is the environment important to you?
The enviroment is important to me because its supplies everything we need in life to live. We live in a beautiful world and we shouldnt destroy it.
Why did you join the Vert Effect?
I joined The Vert Effect because we need to cut back on our use of plastics. We should all do all that we can to save the earth and not let it get in our oceans.
Where do you use your Vert bottle?
I bring my vert bottle every where I go!
How stoked are you to be a part of the Vert Effect?
I'm pumped to be a part of The Vert Team its a great cause and everyone should be involved.
Any last words?
"Do or do not there is no try." - Yoda